I'm at Watch Hill Fire Island this weekend

Drove the boat here nude. Walked back from the restaurant at Davis Park last night and told my wife that I was going to take off my clothes. She was fine with it so the 2 of us walked back, me nude and her clothed. It was freaking awesome. I was imagining she was also nude the whole time. This morning I went to the beach early and also got some nude time there too. Today I plan on walking over to the Davis Park nude beach to see if it still exists


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RE:I'm at Watch Hill Fire Island this weekend

Just a follow up: Had engine problems and had to go home on 1 engine. I was actually happy about it since the normal 1 hour trip took 3:45 and I was nude the whole time. Awesome!


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RE:I'm at Watch Hill Fire Island this weekend

Today I plan on walking over to the Davis Park nude beach to see if it still exists

Jeff! So does it still exist? Long Island Beaches......

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