Why Shave?

I never was a skin head in my youth, in fact I had hair down to my ass. I did have a mohawk briefly which is the closest I've ever been to shaving as a political statement, ufortunately I had to get a job to support myself lol. About 10 years ago I started to naturally develope a bit of the Franciscan Monk look. I didn't really like it and I'm not religious so I got rid of the lot. I guess it juast a fashion statement.

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RE: Shaved Heads

I haven't got a lot of hair left on my head. I've been shaving my head for 30 years.

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RE: Shaved Heads

My hair used to be long as well. It fell out on top. Now my beard is long. LOL

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RE: Why Shave?

Just hade a skin cancer cut out of my chin. couldn't shave it with the stitches so I'm growing a beard. Haven't had a real one for years. Still shaving my head of course.

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RE: shaved

I've been giving myself a no.1 crop since 1994.

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RE: shaved

There's nothing sexier than a guy with close-cropped, or shaved, hair.

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shaved head

shaving my head for me is the best way to look good everyday. Doing it twice a weak in the shower is the easiest for me

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RE: shaved head

I usually crop my hair once a week; twice if I've got something special happening.

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RE: shaved head

Used to have a full crop of hair on my head, when my hairline was reseeding, I went for regrowth treatment, which was quiet costly. I've thought to myself, should I or shouldn't I get it all off. As I used to trim my own hair with different trimmer options, I finally decided to use No1 option. It was something to get used to at first, but somewhat it was easier to handle, no fuss. I've than decided to use the blade for a smooth shave. This was good buy hair in my head and I'm not looking back. It has become part of my freedom and it does blend in with nudism.

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