It's getting a little dangerous for me.

I am always nude just like you are. Well okay, not all the time but aside from being in public I am always nude. It's getting a little dangerous though because I am wanting to do it much more often and I will be caught if I am not careful enough.
After my clothing optional event I just had to stay nude so I found a good dark area and went for it! I ran around and saw a cop in the parking lot after I just finished running around nude. If he would have been in the right (or wrong) place just moments earlier I would have been fucked! I feel like it might be a little addictive for me but I need to do something about it. I don't have any nude beaches or anything else that I can do nude.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions for me?

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  • 7 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

Your post is only 6 days old and I am a bit ambiguous to be the first replier. But here goes!
You live in Vegas!! I've never been there but just that geographical location, it seems to me would be very conducive to a nudist lifestyle.
Obviously I've looked at your profile. It seems to me you have all of what it takes to be nude often.
Just keep an open mind let people know of your predilection for being nude or disdain for clothes however you would like to consider it. I think that it is our preconceived notions about things that most need to be kept in check. What I mean is that if you talk about this with people and let them know that you are not going to force yourself on them like some pervert it will be accepted. (of course "like some pervert" might be a bit strong)
I will wager that you will find that more people than you think will be accepting of it. Eventually you may find that people you meet at social gatherings and the like will wonder why you are wearing clothes. At least that would be the ideal.
There is a gentleman in the UK who upon perusal of his website has (it would seem) almost achieved this.
So good luck with your future nude endeavors.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

I know how you feel when you just want to be nude more and more. Happens to me also.


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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

i remember my first experience when i just had to stay nude i had been up at the nudist camp all day and as evening approached i had to go home so i showered and headed down to my van to dress but when i opened the rear to grab my clothes i instead put my day bag and cooler inside shut the door and climbed in the driver seat still nude and headed for the gate and a hour drive home. it was dusk as i approached the main road and in a few minutes i had to decided stay on the back roads which would take me through four small towns or the expressway i opted for the back roads as once through i could enjoy the windows down and fresh air cooling my body. town #2 all was well i stopped for a red light and looked behind me to see a police car light changes green and now he's following me now i haven't done anything wrong but if by chance i do get pulled over everything clothes, towels , drivers license is at the back of my van that would be awkward to say the least after a few miles he turned off and the rest of the way was uneventful but such a rush of freedom the night air coming in felt home in driveway i began thinking of neighbors looking out or being on they're porches maybe but i got out still nude went to back and got my stuff and went inside as casual as i could. i have driven nude numerous times only a few during daytime but never again without shorts or at least a towel and my license up front. that first drive nude was the most memorable though.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

While I'm not really interested in getting caught or being seen I have gotten a little more adventurous with going out near my garage. Even walked out to the car to retrieve my wallet yesterday. Just didn't want to put on my shorts. I rarely wear anything else unless it's cold. If a neighbor had been on that side of the house they might have gotten a glimpse but I do have hedges that block most of them from me.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

I am way passed caring what my neighbors think and I just go for it.i have told them all.if anyone comes to my house who is not nudist friendly knock open the door and yell get your pants on I will comply.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

While I'm not really interested in getting caught or being seen I have gotten a little more adventurous with going out near my garage. Even walked out to the car to retrieve my wallet yesterday. Just didn't want to put on my shorts. I rarely wear anything else unless it's cold. If a neighbor had been on that side of the house they might have gotten a glimpse but I do have hedges that block most of them from me.

I/we have pushed the envelop as much as we will, here at this home. It's more than likely that I have been seen naked by the neighbors across the street and we've been seen naked by our next door neighbors, numerous times. Naked in our backyard, naked in the garage with the large door opened and cars parked blocking most of their view, we've carried on our lives like normal and not had any issues with our neighbors and want to keep it that way. It seems they accept us and our lifestyle to this point and we don't want to jeopardize our good standing. It works for us, it seems to work for them. All is good here!

I've gone out to my car on the driveway and retrieved something while completely naked. I pick my times of the day or night so's not to be seen. If in doubt, my trusty sheer shorts work wonders. I've even worked in the front yard with them on and visited with the older woman across the street while wearing them. Very late at night I'll bring my car up to the driveway from the curb and do so completely naked.

I guess many of us want desperately to live naked all the time and want to live as you would if you lived in a nudist community and so we take some liberties with common living situations to further our desires to live as much as possible, in the nude. I do but my wife is much more cautious and unwilling to do some of the things I'm willing to try. Although, she is looking more seriously at property at our club. Maybe we'll end up buying an RV space to start and use it on weekends and when we have visits from nudist friends.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

I often throw caution to the wind. I often drive naked, day and night, towns and country. Today was sunny without any wind. I drove the car into the shared parking area to get the long ladder from the garage (I also carried through the shared parking area). I lent it against a gable end to trim ivy from the top of the wall. Then I put it back. All of this was done totally naked (except for shoes). I'd just put the ladder away when my neighbour arrived home, quickly followed by a delivery van. Incidentally It was good feeling the sun on my bare back while up the ladder.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

Not clothed I just worry about the pigs coming up and trying to make me go with them to lock me up

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

Not clothed I just worry about the pigs coming up and trying to make me go with them to lock me up

Yes, feral pigs have become a problem all over this country. Many wildlife management areas require you to shoot them on sight if you are deer hunting.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:It's getting a little dangerous for me.

Well just from experience I feel that it is just best to either join some groups that holds clothes free events more often so it doesnt seems like you are being deprived. Also try making good friends that you can hangout nude with that way they can come by and keep you company

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  • 6 years ago