Autumn 2018

Hi All,
Terrible isn't it ......nights are drawing in, all but dark at 7.30 last evening !
Boat comes out Oct 9th then we are off to Middle East.
I am hoping to get going again on coffee meets late October onwards. Easiest for me is to be Saturdays and the rare weekday from the point of view of hosting - hope a number of you will be able to organise to 'escape' for a couple of hours once some dates are offered.
I shall be in touch .......
Best regards to All,

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RE:Autumn 2018

Have a good time. I look forward to you hosting again, but in the meantime I'll try for at least one. How about anyone else? I'm also open to ad-hoc visits.

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RE:Autumn 2018

Hi there
Saturdays are perfect for me. Most of the time anyway! Just let me know any dates and Ill try to make sure I can attend. Have a good trip


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