Newbie nudist questions
Hey everyone,
I've been a nudist at heart all my life, but I've been too afraid to try it. I don't go naked outside, cuz I'm afraid my neighbors would see me. Sometimes at night I sneak on my deck behind the house naked and just sit there in a chair up against the house. There are a lot of trees in the backyard neighborhood. There is also a creek that runs through our backyards, so the neighbors who live behind our line of houses are quite a ways away, with a lot of trees.
It's a beautiful neighborhood. The neighbors I'm most concerned about are the ones next door on each side of the house. However, I've read about and seen pics of people naked outside around their houses.
I wanna know how they get away with it without their neighbors freaking out. Are they able to do it cuz their neighbors are cool and don't care? Or do they do it anyway cuz their neighbors feel that doing something about it would be making it a bigger deal than it is?
I'd just like to know, because I'd love to go naked outside around the house. Please share your experiences and advice. Thanks
- 6 years ago