My First Nude Beach

My First Nudist Experience

I was a bit older when I decided to try public nudism out. I was about 24 and on my first business trip when this occurred. I was attending a convention that was held in Anaheim, CAI stayed right across from The Happiest Place on Earth! I neglected to rent a car, and the only restaurant within walking distance was Garcias Mexican restaurant. Garcias was nice, but not for three-squares over five days. I finally broke down and rented an aluminum death trap for a day.

I drove south to San Onofre Beach. This was the early, early days of the internet (probably early nineties), but I was able to decipher how to get there, and where to go once I was there. The nude area used to be on the south end of the beach. I parked and walked down a storm drain to the beach. I walked south until I started to see nude sunbathers. I walked a bit further and came upon a fence demarking Camp Pendleton, the military base that abuts the beach.

At this time, I still had some of the Victorian shyness (read a LOT of Victorian shyness about nudity) that my parents beat into me, so I wasnt very comfortable taking of my clothes in front of strangers just yet. To ease my way into it, I walked just past the fence marking the military base border. I found a log that was laying perpendicular to the coast and set up my camp just down beach of the public area. I quickly stripped off my clothes and lay on my towel to get used to being naked outside.

I was still getting used to the enjoyable feeling of the breeze on my naked skin when I noticed a team of armed men dressed in green uniforms rushing at me!!! My first thought was they were military police and were heading my way to arrest me!! My mind went crazy trying to figure out my situation!! That would be my luckthe very first time I tried public nudism I would be arrested for trespassing on government property. What would I tell my new wife?! What would my mom think?! The thought running through my head mortified me. Fortunately, I was naked so when I peed myself, it just went onto the sand!!

I was trying to quickly, but without drawing further attention, gather my stuff. I was hoping that I could talk my way out of any trespassing charges, etc. I was almost in tears I was so scared!! My luck soon changed as the uniformed men didnt even give me the time of day. They rushed passed me and into a canyon just down the beach and behind me. I was a little shaken when a group of fully clothed, and armed, men rushed past me, but I didnt want to look a gift horse in the mouth and immediately moved to the public beach.

I continued to gather my stuff and quickly walk up the beach to the public area. I must have been white with fright because people just got out of my way and let me get settled. By the time I was settled in my new spot, I was lying on my towel, still stark naked, and totally relaxed having just escaped a total, life changing disaster. I even started to enjoy the breeze on my body and the freedom of allowing myself to be naked in front of other people. Once my heart rate returned to normal, as well as my skin color, I actually had a great day! I met some fun people and even went to dinner with some of them after a fun day on the beach.

It turns out the uniformed men were border patrol agents and were chasing after a group of people who tried to flee into the canyon. Unnoticed by me, a group of people had jumped from a boat, swum to shore and were making their way into the states. The agents were chasing after them and didnt give me a seconds notice.

I have a laugh whenever I think about my experience. Today, I wouldnt have waited until I was in the less populated area to strip naked. In fact, I would probably have dropped my shorts as soon as legally permissible. However, when I think how self-conscious I was then, I have a giggle. To think I would be arrested and processed naked would still scare me, but not like it did that day.

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RE:My First Nude Beach

My first venture onto a nude beach was long before I really ventured into social nudity. My wife, her best friend and I went onto the beach at Brighton. It is a pebble beach and was packed with naked bodies. The two ladies weren't going to strip so I undressed very rapidly, fearing some of those pebbles could become missiles heading our way. The best friend exclaimed as I uncovered my penis but we soon settled down. A man walked the length of the water's edge carrying a shoulder bag which hid his private parts. He succeeded in getting the attention of everyone on the beach especially the many gay men. Then he turned bringing his genitals into view. The entire beach let out a spontaneous gasp. Why? He revealed a big bush of florescent pink pubic hair... A little later an ice cream vendor came onto the beach (over dressed to avoid any doubt) and we decided to get 3 ice creams. I joined the queue clutching my 10 pound note. Did I say that there was a beauty contest in town with the contestants topping up their tans without tan lines. The (naked) young lady in front of me turned. She was absolutely stunning. Mesmerised, I forgot my order and it was my turn! Anyhow I got three ice creams, paid and didn't know what to do with my change. I wasn't used to being without pockets. Towards the end of the afternoon people started to leave. One woman put on a see-through dress, sandals and nothing else. I thought this to be more sexy than her previous nudity.

Years later I started venturing onto nude beaches regularly. Unsurprisingly I felt embarrassed amongst all these naked sunbathers until I was naked too. It was just falling into line. And then, of course, I too could enjoy the sun and the breeze on my bare skin. Lately I/we have checked the status of a beach - only heading to nude or CO beaches. Having checked that status I/we do not hesitate and strip off immediately. We are often the only or first nudes. It is great when others follow our example. Maybe they just needed someone to break the ice.

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