The group Canadian Locations Index was started purely as a resource for those seeking a means of contacting Canadian resorts, clubs etc. I do check it daily to see if there have been any new submissions in the form of location reports or new locations which are not currently listed but it is not necessary to join the group to access the information. It was started because the main sites's locations function lists U.S. locations only. Philfree also has a group - Locations Home which lists other non-American locations. These groups are fairly inactive as their purpose is not mainly interactive discussion and it would be a loss if they were to be removed simply for non activity.
The group Canadian Locations Index was started purely as a resource for those seeking a means of contacting Canadian resorts, clubs etc. I do check it daily to see if there have been any new submissions in the form of location reports or new locations which are not currently listed but it is not necessary to join the group to access the information. It was started because the main sites's locations function lists U.S. locations only. Philfree also has a group - Locations Home which lists other non-American locations. These groups are fairly inactive as their purpose is not mainly interactive discussion and it would be a loss if they were to be removed simply for non activity.
Some of the US locations are not in the listing plus at least one in the SC listing is no longer viable. That's the reason I started the Carolinas (North & South) Location group. I wish others would post their club activities there.