Harvest Update

The gardening season is winding down here in northern Michigan. Overall, it was a pretty good year. The apple and berry production was amongst the best I've ever had. The root crops of potatoes, carrots and beets were also better than average. Since we had an early and warm summer, the cool weather crops of peas and lettuces did not fare as well.

I seemed to have more weeds than usual, and I got hit late in the season with a huge infestation of squash bugs. Luckily the squash and pumpkins were pretty far along so I still got a pretty good harvest.

And perhaps the best news is that the summer and early fall have been warmer and sunnier than average so my number of nude gardening days was at an all time high.

So how did your gardens do this year?

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RE:Harvest Update

I decided a couple of years ago to scale back on my veggie garden. Last year in the space I only grew gourds. Had them coming out of my ears. Decorated with them and gave them away to friends.
This year i planed pumpkins and sunflowers. Pumpkins did well and I had many volunteer gourds too. Nice mix on the porch now and enough gourds to share. The sunflowers not so well. Only about 1/3 sprouted and just before they bloomed high winds and wet ground caused them all to topple. So they bloomed down in the pumpkin vines. But good news every bit of gardening from planting to harvesting has been done bare ass. And that part of the lawn has for 4 years now been mowed nude every time.

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RE:Harvest Update

Here in the UP we gave such a variable and short season, and I am away so much, that I gave up on vegetables and instead patronize our farmers market. My flowers were a puzzlement. Lilacs and peonies were way down (as in 85% down). Most of the other perrenials flourished. I just returned from a 10 day trip and find a day lily blooming on Sep 22. The others were done mid August, go figure. Well, off to the farmer's market.

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RE:Harvest Update

Picked almost the last of the blackberries yesterday. There's still a cane with a few more. Peppers still doing well. Am now planting cover crops and fall plants. Heat has everything a bit out of wack this season

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