Getting in Shape!

Sup guys.
I have been hitting the gym really hard with Summer on the way here in South Africa.
I think we can really use this group to motivate each other. Anybody who has hit the gym knows it is fucking hard to stay motivated.
As nudists we need to be proud of who we are and showcase our bodies so that the idea of nude fitness and bodybuilding can catch on around the world, especially at gyms, sporting events, schools and beaches.
Stay nude and stay pumped. Cole xx

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RE:Getting in Shape!

I could sure use some motivation and encouragement to set some reasonable goals for myself. I am 6' 2" and I used to weigh 178 lbs., since getting married and becoming a little sedentary I am currently at 208 lbs. I already tell myself get up of my a** and join the gym but I lack a good motivation to go to the gym by myself. Any good words of wisdom to start.. and maybe a little help from someone sharing their gym routine..??

Cheers !!

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RE:Getting in Shape!

I get up every morning before 6am eat a healthy protein breakfast and go to the gym. Workout fluctuates daily between cardio and strength with 4-5 yoga classes a week mixed in. I'm 6'1" 160lbs, 50yrs old and take zero meds. Not really fit for a body building forum but to me "in-shape" means cross trained in all aspects. Like most other athletes, I will never be 100% satisfied with my performance or body but this drives you more and more. While much of the discussion is about working out, my trainer always reminds me that "abbs are made in the kitchen"!

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RE:Getting in Shape!

I'm an assistant manager at a health club, and yes, I need to workout more consistently too.

Our experience has been that people that have a workout friend, take classes, or hire a personal trainer are more likely to use the club on a regular basis. There's a sense of obligation to yourself and your workout partner(s) when you have those personal connections or you have an appointment with a friend or trainer.

Also, don't get stuck in a single routine. Vary it up! Go ahead and do something recreational instead of working out. It's all about keeping your body moving and that can be on a cardio machine, weights, volleyball, basketball, swimming, or outdoors running, biking. Many parks now have a fitness trail...use it! And as extra incentive, bike, walk, or run there, do your exercises, then bike, walk or run home.

And don't set goals that are too aggressive. Keep it realistic. Set smaller goals that are more easily achieved. Don't stop when you reach those goals, set new ones. Reaching a small achievable goal will boost your self confidence and motivation a lot quicker than setting a big goal that seems unattainable.

Extra workout before and after pics!

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RE:Getting in Shape!

Could not agree more -- getting back in shape -- and improving upon that -- was one of my reasons for joining this site. I have already figured out all of the ways I can hide the imperfections with clothes -- it's time for me to confront my fears and feel good about my body -- both in clothes and naked.

and yeah, the clothes will be coming off alot more in the future. i've always wanted to hang with naked buddies andlook forward to meeting guys on this site.


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