The Naked European Walking Tour 2011

The Naked European Walking Tour dates for 2011 have been extended. To encourage more women to take part and so we don't have to walk quite so fast and can have a relaxing week's naked hiking in the Alps: first week in July: Sunday 3rd July - Saturday 9th July 2011
Keep up to date with the latest info here:
ps. we'd like to encourage women to participate more, and you can help by offering to carry the heavier items of kit ;-)

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RE: The Naked European Walking Tour 2011

If you book ahead with one of the cheaper airlines, it maynot be as expensive as you think. It is not as though they would be charging you for lots of luggage for this event.

Although I suspect you may have problems getting through security with absolutely no luggage.

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This is what you missed:

This is what you missed:


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