Scientific proof of camaraderie in JO

Recently, me and my husband had a debate about mutual masturbation being simply a sexual act between two guys being physically attracted to each other or if its just innocent camaraderie between like minded guys. There is plenty of scientific proof of it being qualified as homoerotic behavior so my husband thought he had won the debate, that is before I found scientific research proving that mutual JO can be a bonding experience between guys.

This article with references attached shows that when the thought of straight guys engaging in sexual behavior with the same sex, there are higher counts of progesterone which is the same social bonding hormone that allows us to make friendships with others.

After viewing this information I ask my fellow man what are your thoughts on this topic?

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RE:Scientific proof of camaraderie in JO

Ive edited the post with the link

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RE:Scientific proof of camaraderie in JO


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RE:Scientific proof of camaraderie in JO

It sounds very logical to me.

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