Nude in different climates

Just a few days ago I was in Palm Springs visiting nudist friends, where the daytime temps hit 90 and we were all nude most of the time, including a 6 mile nude hike, couple of nude parties. It cooled off in the evenings and my friends were dressing when I was still comfortable nude. Monday I went to Black's Beach before my trip home. High clouds, 68 degrees, but for me perfectly comfortable for a nude stroll the whole length of the beach and back, some splashing in the ocean and just sitting and enjoying the scenery. Other beachgoers ranged from nude like me to wetsuits to jeans and sweatshirts. It's great to be able to enjoy the outdoors nude across a range of temps.

I even enjoy my back yard briefly with temps in the 40s. Very invigorating and relieves cabin fever-slash-nude deprivation, which can get pretty severe here in the Northwoods over the winter.

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RE:Nude in different climates

That is the fun of been a nudist where you enjoy been in any weather and situation.

This year I've had experiences that just came about by doing what I enjoy doing, enjoy life for what it brings and doing it most of it as possible nude. I accomplished seven 5k nude runs, not all in perfect weather, even close to running one in rain while another was in almost 100 degree and another in real humid weather, but I didn't back away because of the weather. Then there was the trip to Florida and getting to three nudes beaches on Florida's east coast within a week. That was followed within 5 days with a trip to San Diego area to find myself getting to Black Beach. So getting out and about, I was on both coast of USA, nude on beaches within 5 days. I've just completed a 4 day trip to Las Vegas and finding that there wasn't any nude stuff do to (or at least I couldn't find any or no TN individual offered any), I made my nude time while visiting Valley of Fire and Spring Mountain, dessert warm weather to chili cool and rainy and snow flurries weather all within 24 hours.

I agree with ya, it's great to be able to enjoy nudism in varies types of weather and locations. If you are waiting for to be perfect 100% of the time at the right location, then you'll never experience the joy of nudism.

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RE:Nude in different climates

One march I walked naked onto a favourite isolated nude beach in Portugal. I was used to the beach in the summer when, despite its isolated location, the entire beach is thronged with nudists. Being from the UK I found the weather warm enough even in March. The beach was crowded. But, as I walked onto it, I realised that everyone else was wrapped up in fleeces and long trousers against the winter cold. I was the only nude that day. But I settled down and enjoyed the beach undeterred.

Cut to a high windswept Yorkshire (UK) moor in the late Autumn. A small group of us went to hike naked on it twice. The first time I was the last one to get naked because of the cold. The second time I was the only one to get naked] the others didn't because of the cold.

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