
Even nudists have laundry. I've pared my clothing down to a minimum. This means I usually have to be naked while they are being washed, dried and ironed.

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I'm assuming you are talking about ironing your mini-kilts, olly?

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Well done. I'm afraid I leave the ironing to my wife but she won't do it naked. Lol

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I like to do my ironing naked, early in the morning when I am brewing tea. No burns yet!

I do mine weekly, but it is a nice feeling when you wash iron/fold and every article of clothing is put away. You cannt do that if youre actually wearing anything

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I like to do my ironing naked, early in the morning when I am brewing tea. No burns yet!

I do mine weekly, but it is a nice feeling when you wash iron/fold and every article of clothing is put away. You cannt do that if youre actually wearing anything

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Yes, even though most of my time is nude, I still have shirts to iron. In Iowa, I put the ironing board in front of the French doors and enjoy the view of farm crops as far as the eye can see. I learned to iron as a kid growing up on a farm and have always done my own ironing.

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I like to do my ironing naked, early in the morning when I am brewing tea. No burns yet!

I do mine weekly, but it is a nice feeling when you wash iron/fold and every article of clothing is put away. You cannt do that if youre actually wearing anything

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Even nudists have laundry. I've pared my clothing down to a minimum. This means I usually have to be naked while they are being washed, dried and ironed.

At least you thought it was a minimum, but have since found that you can get by with a lot less!

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My wife does most of the laundry and likes to group similar types of clothes together. My clothing supply is small enough that she often complains that I run out before she has a full load!

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Silly. There are only two sorts of loads - colours and whites (and bedding/ hankies make up much of the whites). Does your wife really insist on you having more than two loads-full of clothes? And is it possible to wear that many in a week?

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Silly. There are only two sorts of loads - colours and whites (and bedding/ hankies make up much of the whites). Does your wife really insist on you having more than two loads-full of clothes? And is it possible to wear that many in a week?

She combines her clothes with mine and does:
Permanent press
Towels and (her) underwear.
Jeans, t-shirts and shorts.
Since she does the laundry I don't complain unless she does.
It is more like a 10 day cycle than a week.

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