Caught on a trail/game cam

The woods behind which I have roamed nude off and on for years, changed hands earlier this year. The new owner a young Amish guy bought it to hunt. He had some lumber cut from the stand this summer which left wide paths. I continued to hike it taking advantage of the undergrowth free passages. I kept track of the approaching hunting season and stopped the day before bow and arrow season for deer opened. That was in early Oct. Two weeks ago I just stepped out of the shower and had lathered up my face when I heard a knock on the door. I put a towel around my waist and opened it to find a deputy from the Dept of Natural Resources. He asked me to identify myself and then told me he was going to issue me a warning for trespassing. While he went to his car to write it up, I did dry off and put some clothes on. He told me that the owner of the woods had trail/game cams and had gotten pictures of me. He made no mention of my lack of clothes which made me wonder if the Amish guy had told him that part. The deputy repeated that it was only a warning and told me not to do it again.
Today I contacted another neighbor who I knew had the new owner's cell number. ( Yes Amish have cell phones) I sent an apology to the guy and
he just responded " Ok I hope we can be neighbors" I assured him that yes we can, and urged him to stop by so can meet in person. He said he will do that. I may suggest i will offer a hot tub soak after he hunts as an atonement.

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RE:Caught on a trail/game cam

Once you and the Amish neighbor meets maybe you could tell him all you're doing is using his woods for exercise and nothing else. Offer to help the owner keep an eye on things.

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RE:Caught on a trail/game cam

he does have signs on the property but i honestly figured that walking on paths created by a back hoe dragging logs through the woods off hunting season was doing no harm. Most of the no trespassing signs around here involve the hunting season.
I did meet him on Saturday. I had gotten his cell number from the other neighbor and texted him. He texted me that he would stop by when he got done hunting. He had another guy with him and i stepped outside in just shorts to talk to him. Basically just introduced himself. it seemed like he wanted to say something more but didn't. His Yoder Toter was waiting at the end of the driveway for him

For those "english " who do not live near an Amish community Yoder is a very common Amish name, an someone who is not Amish who drives them around is called a Yoder Toter.

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RE:Caught on a trail/game cam

Nov . 18 , 2018 .

Interesting . Thanks .


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