Airbnb inquiry

Sunday afternoon while I was hosting my local non-landed nudist group Christmas party, I got an inquiry from a potential Airbnb guest. He wanted to know if my room for rent was available that night and then added he wanted to try nudism. I list my place as naturist friendly since Airbnb are such prudes about the word nude. I responded " yes you can stay" and then mentioned that the house was currently full of naked people. It turns out he had misread my location so was not coming, but added that when he does make it over this way he does want to stay here and try social nudity. All in all a positive interaction and hopefully in the future a real life connection.

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RE:Airbnb inquiry

Did you have a good turnout for your get together?

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RE:Airbnb inquiry

we had 9 of us here and lots of good food and laughs

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RE:Airbnb inquiry

Awesome, glad you had a good turn out

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RE:Airbnb inquiry

Was it a mixed group or just men?

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