My first visit to my YMCA

I remember my first visit to my ymca. I was considering becoming a member and was getting a tour of the facility. When it came time to see the mens locker room the lady either let me go alone or got a guy to show me around. The more I think about it she got the male janitor to show me. When I went through the locker room I noticed men going naked everywhere...not just to and from the community shower. I never understood why a mens only locker room needed separate shower stalls. As I poked my head in and out of the sauna and steam room I noticed most guys were sitting openly naked on a towel. I thought it was great that I could go naked there and not be judged. As I was finishing my tour I made it a point to ask about hanging naked in the locker room not just when changing but anytime and she said it was not a problem. I signed up immediately. I mean I had a place to workout and hang nude too. I have since stopped by for a tour in hopes to find the same thing but unfortunately there were signs saying something to the effect of keeping nudity to a minimum. I mean REALLY!!!...its a locker room. If you dont want to hang that way just change in and out of your clothes when you are done working out and leave when you are done.

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RE:My first visit to my YMCA

My first visit was when I lived in Memphis and the company I worked for offered a free YMCA membership. I took advantage of it and joined the one downtown. I would go right after work and changed clothes in the locker room area. At that time, the wet areas (steam room, etc) was male only and most guys were naked. It was really great to see other guys comfortable with being naked around others. Unfortunately, their policy changed over the years and they required you to be covered everywhere except in the shower itself. Sad.

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RE:My first visit to my YMCA

At "my" YMCA the sign say that you have to wear "proper attire" in the hot tub and sauna. Fortunately most people apparently consider nude a very proper attire. And I have yet to see somebody complain or try to enforce a non-nudity rule.

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RE:My first visit to my YMCA

yeah guys, so sad and angry that this times are creating so many Pussies/Sissies/Fags/Scary Male Cats that get offended terrorized for seeing NUDE DUDES!!!
That's Stupid.../ Real Men, we like to be NUDE as much we can, showing our Dicks, Balls, Ass, Hard Ons, etc....// No matter if you are Str8, Gay, Bi... Male Nudity should be encourage and permitted in ALL Locker Rooms....
Only Morons Retarded guys see Sexual Harassment for jealousy of Real Macho Studs !!!
We need to teach our young ones that is ok to be nude in safe environment. That been Nude is Natural ;o)

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