Borrowed a blog post...

Why the world needs more nudists

I would add that before the Victorian Era, starting about 1850, that no one wore swimsuits. It just wasnt a thing. Teddy Roosevelt swam daily nude in the Potomac and no one thought the worse of him for it and folks Roosevelt wasnt President until 1901-1909. Folks that's a full 60 years after Victorian Prudery started telling everyone to wear swimsuits.

Joe Biden famously likes to Skinny Dip himself.
Seems prudery is still used to shame some people.

The Unabridged (But Sadly Unillustrated) History of Political Skinny-Dipping
The list of Politicians that publicly skinny dipped includes:
John Quincy Adams
Teddy Roosevelt
LBJ with the Rev. Billy Graham
Wilbur Mills
Jimmy Carter
Rep John Grunseth
Rep Kevin Yoder (Sea of Galilee Skinny Dip)
Joe Biden

Maybe one day we will start to act like a mature society and grow up and stop letting Madison Avenue and folks like TMZ, Gawker, National Enquirer, etc ruin our lives and happiness.

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