Expanding my nude time

Another group had a thread on expanding nude time in 2019, so I posted it there and though I would put it here also.
I am considering just staying nude in the "pubic" areas of our house when my adult son is home.
I know he wouldn't like it. He has already expressed his displeasure with me swimming and sunning nude when he is in the house and I am in the poll enclosure, which is visible from the back windows.
I am nude in the wing that has the master bedroom, study and master bath, but he is never in that area.
Since he leaves for work at 9:00 and returns at 6:45 I do have substantial opportunities to be nude in the pubic areas also.
My wife says I should go ahead with it and if he doesn't like it, he can move out.
Anyone else have thoughts about this?

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RE:Expanding my nude time

Another group had a thread on expanding nude time in 2019, so I posted it there and though I would put it here also.I am considering just staying nude in the "pubic" areas of our house when my adult son is home.I know he wouldn't like it. He has already expressed his displeasure with me swimming and sunning nude when he is in the house and I am in the poll enclosure, which is visible from the back windows.I am nude in the wing that has the master bedroom, study and master bath, but he is never in that area.Since he leaves for work at 9:00 and returns at 6:45 I do have substantial opportunities to be nude in the pubic areas also.My wife says I should go ahead with it and if he doesn't like it, he can move out.Anyone else have thoughts about this?

I say "GO FOR IT". Be up in the morning nude before he leaves and greet him the same way when he returns home in the evening. I commented on your other post as well Mini Malist. He will either get the idea and accept it, or move out on his own, which he should have already done by now anyway.

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RE:Expanding my nude time

How old is your son? Is he in school? Does he pay rent or do chores?
Your going nude might be the nudge he needs to leave the nest and get a life of his own.
Discuss it with him and explain that you want to enjoy life more. Perhaps if he left, you wife might be inclined to join you nude. I know when my kids left the nest, my wife became more open to being nude around the house.

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RE:Expanding my nude time

Having seen the posts in both forums, my reaction is now that you should start by using your pool naked as much as possible and go on from there.
Either he will come to terms with it or not. In either case it is not for him to rule your life.

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RE:Expanding my nude time

I am naked in the pool and on the deck when he is home now, as well as in the Master Bedroom wing, including my study.
I do see that most of the commenters are for going forward and being nude anywhere in the house.

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RE:Expanding my nude time

I am naked in the pool and on the deck when he is home now, as well as in the Master Bedroom wing, including my study.I do see that most of the commenters are for going forward and being nude anywhere in the house.

Way to go !!!!

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RE:Expanding my nude time

I'm with the rest of the posters here. Your wife is okay with it, so it won't cause any frictions there. Just live the way you want, nude. Your son is an adult and if he can't stand your nudity, maybe he should move out. You can chat with him if you want, tell him that it is not to make him uncomfortable purposely, it is just the way you feel more comfortable.

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RE:Expanding my nude time

i got too hot 3 years and went nude kids said put your clothles back on and i said no i'm too hot and also said if don't like it move out i knew they could not now they have got used to me being nude 24/7 365 days of the year also say it's my house so tough get used to it

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RE:Expanding my nude time

I think we're all 'assuming' your son is totally healthy , has a job etc and that he could be in his own apartment or whatever. If so then I agree with the others that its his choice to stay or not. But you mentioned he did not grow up with you being nude - so I can understand how he may feel this is now a weird situation- so I think its nice for you to weigh his opinion to some degree, especially if there are reasons unknown to us about why he's living at home - health wise or money wise or whatever. Also if he is helping pay the mortgage or rent etc- then he does have a bit of a say-so I suppose or at least a right to his opinion. But... still at the end of the day even if there are valid reasons why he is at home, it is still your choice assuming YOU own the home and paid for it. My 2 cents lol

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RE:Expanding my nude time

Based on your description it sounds like you have healthy communication for well-defined expectations.

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RE:Expanding my nude time

It's now 3 months later on, is there any updates on the situation at home regarding your nudity & your son? How has this panned out so far?

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