Wollongong/Sydney area

Im new to nudism, not something Ive expressed to any friends just yet but may hope to in the future.
In saying that, Im wondering if there is anyone in the Wollongong or Sydney area? Other people that are new?

Wouldnt mind just talking or even meeting up.

Cheers in advance.

Jack, Male, 24.

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RE:Wollongong/Sydney area

Hey mate checkout YNOA (Young nudists of Australia) on FB - secret group so only members can see what/who's in- pretty active in sydney organising gatherings events etc

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RE:Wollongong/Sydney area

Hi mate
Im also in Sydney
Feel free to msg me

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RE:Wollongong/Sydney area

welcome to the forum

also from sydney M, 29. feel free to message or add me :P

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RE:Wollongong/Sydney area

Hi all, is this group still active? I am Joe from Sydney. Newbie to nudism

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