A little levity for today....

Nudie Moonies

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RE:A little levity for today....

I always think that sort of thing is really odd. On the one hand, they're saying that nudity should be totally acceptable, and on the other, they're pixelating out the "indecent" parts. In the end, they're perpetuation the lie that parts of your body are indecent.

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RE:A little levity for today....

At least in the video they do mention the ridiculousness of "false modesty covers". It's something. Our society has created the narrative that male nudity is vile, hostile and dangerous and female nudity is for sale so with a proper compensation women feel "weird" being nude.

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RE:A little levity for today....

It's a step in the right direction -- I guess.

Have you seen the short, "Heap of Trouble"?

I'm not certain how I feel about it. Again, on one had it seems to be saying nudity is ok, on the other it seems to be saying that nudity is, essentially, a mental illness.

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