Public Perception of the WNBR

Public Perception of the WNBR

The World Naked Bike Ride is almost upon us. Every year in June, around 10,000 people take to the streets of Portland on their bikes -- and without their clothes. The event organizers describe it as a ride that "highlights the vulnerability of cyclists everywhere and decries societys dependence on pollution-based transport. Its also a lot of fun and its free for all!" The ride has a lot of support among Portlanders, evidenced by the large number of participants and spectators at the annual event. But critics say that the naked ride is obscene and just too weird -- even for Portland. What do you think?

According to the poll, 68% Support the WNBR and only 31% Object.

I am making arrangements to attend the WNBR in New Orleans this year.

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RE: Public Perception of the WNBR

WNBRs are more a form of Group Self Expression, Advocacy, ProTest, Defiance & a *gateway drug* into #SocialPublicNudism than giving a hoot about or being obsessed with what naysayers may or man not feel or think. Living Your Life inside Some Elses ( often times a strangers in some cases ) Brain is not only impossible but illogical & an extreme form of pathological behavior which breeds self destructive paranoia.

I reckon if it is written in the mainstream media it must be Gospel/Torah Truth, No? At least this time I will concur:

&Nudism is freedom*
@DanielleEchev @SFChronicle @Hearst NewsPapers
#LoveParade #WNBRsf2024 Saturday 10 February 2024

Wish You could come out & to push Your limits & join Us for some #SocialPublicNudism someday sooner than later, Cousin.

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RE: Public Perception of the WNBR

WNBRs are more a form of Group Self Expression, Advocacy, ProTest, Defiance & a *gateway drug* into #SocialPublicNudism than giving a hoot about or being obsessed with what naysayers may or man not feel or think. Living Your Life inside Some Elses ( often times a strangers in some cases ) Brain is not only impossible but illogical & an extreme form of pathological behavior which breeds self destructive paranoia.I reckon if it is written in the mainstream media it must be Gospel/Torah Truth, No? At least this time I will concur:&Nudism is freedom* @SFChronicle @Hearst NewsPapers#LoveParade #WNBRsf2024 Saturday 10 February 2024Wish You could come out & to push Your limits & join Us for some #SocialPublicNudism someday sooner than later, Cousin.

You profile says you live in DC. Have you ever done the Philadelphia WNBR?

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