The naked follower of Jesus
There are two short verses about the last man to follow Jesus before he was arrested in Mark 14: 51-52:
Now a young man followed him wearing nothing but a linen cloth about his body. They seized him, but he left the cloth behind and ran off naked.
My sense is some text was lost or incorrectly translated. One commentator thought the young man was possessed by demons and sought healing. I read the active verbs "followed him" and "let the cloth" and am reminded of Jesus telling a wealthy man to sell all of his possessions. Are there certain spiritual and physical nakedness or child-like vulnerability in following Jesus? A willingness to surrender? Or is this some incidental and crazy dude? Your thoughts?
My "Go To" on line source is Bible Hub. I prefer the "Strong's NASB" version.The Strong's version allows for each word/phrase to be analysed in the original Greek.When broke down, I may be more literally be translated " a young aide in his company, wrapped in a fine linen throw", when grabbed, fled leaving his garment behind.I believe the young aide may have been Mark himself. Other studies I have done lead me to believe this as a possibility as he was much younger than the rest an would likely have been an aide to Jesus at the time, (giving him first hand knowledge). But this is just my opinion. Why else would Mark (and only Mark) include this extra, (somewhat irrelevant) event in his account.With the chaos of the event, Mark wanted out! If he was an aide, he would likely to be grabbed as well. As an agile youth, with their hands on his garment, he slips away leaving it in their hands and runs off, especially with Peter next to him swinging! Likely to then hide in the shadows to watch the rest of the events unfold and thus writing it in his Gospel.So that's my take for what it's worth. Hope you all enjoyed the bible lesson!
Thanks for the great feedback! The brevity of the text makes it seem irrelevant, but I question that. Whether it's Mark or an anonymous aid, and whether the linen throw was pulled off or allowed to fall off, here's what I find significant: 1) there is no shame associated with being under-dressed or naked 2) the altercation ended not with wounds but naked vulnerability and 3) the last record of Jesus' follower, just like the first man Adam and Jesus facing execution were all free of textile interference. Nudis Veritas = the Naked Truth.