Penis Rings
Why do some men wear a ring around the base of their penis?
- 14 years ago
Why do some men wear a ring around the base of their penus?
It has nothing to do with nudism. It is a sexual issue.
- 14 years ago
I've seen nudists who wear cock rings as jewelry, so I wouldn't pass this off as a sexual issue. It can be a sexual thing (such as a tongue piercing) but it can also be just jewelry.
- 14 years ago
decoration same as piercings its what floats your boat that counts.
- 14 years ago
Because they want other people to have a look at their "dingdong". Nothing to do with nudism.
Knee jerk! And women wear earrings so people will look at their ears, right?
- 14 years ago
Because they want other people to have a look at their "dingdong". Nothing to do with nudism.
Knee jerk! And women wear earrings so people will look at their ears, right?
The obvious answer to this question is yes.
- 14 years ago
Isn't there a risk in leaving it on for an extended period of time?
- 14 years ago
Wow, there are some shockingly narrow-minded responses to this question.
Without reading through historical threads I am guessing that there have been many seemingly innocent questions that quickly turn sexual in nature?
If I happened to notice something that I did not understand then I would be curious as to the answer but I must admit that some of the responses makes asking questions a little intimidating.
- 14 years ago
If anyone wants to see the result of a behind-the-goodies ring, the cheapest way is to buy one of the 6" diameter hair "scrunchies", fold it into three loops, stretch it and wear it where the ring would go and yes, I've done it to test the premise. Aside from being quite uncomfortable, its effect is erotic. To each his own, but it's not appropriate wear in a nudist venue.Sorry, Joe, but your feigned outrage is not impressive.
Absolutely HILARIOUS NudeInMA. You're an expert now because you tried it out with a scrunchie?
- 14 years ago
Why do some men wear a ring around the base of their penus?
If you are claiming to have one, you should know how to spell it.
- 14 years ago
Why do some men wear a ring around the base of their penus?
At many parks that used to ban genital and breast jewelry, some now do now allow it as long as it's in good taste, ie. not 100 dangles from someone scrotum or such. However, something that is obvious and not in good taste is not allowed in most nudist social situations. I am a club administrator and agree with these guidelines. One club owner has several stainless dangles and at one time wouldn't be welcome at other places, and is now.
- 14 years ago