Gay women and single men

I have always wondered why it is that gay women only want to meet women? There are hundreds of threads pointing out that nudism and sexare unrelated so what's 'wrong' with us single guys if you are a gay women. OK, I suppose there are a few men who think they might 'convert' you but I think most of us single guys know a relationship with a gay women will only ever be a friendship and sometimes that's great as there isn't anything pressure to be more than friends. There's also the advantage that you will have a friend to go to nude venues with without being 'hit' on. On several occasions I've 'escorted' young girls to nude venues to keep the men away so why shouldn't this work with gay women too!! At least we both start off with 2 things in common, nudity and our liking for women :)
I once had a gay female lodgerwhich was great as I was often naked around the house

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RE: Gay women and single men

Well I suppose if someone doesn't want to be friends with someone based on gender, status, or orientation then they probably make sh**ty friends anyways.

I am of the mindset that there are billions of people out there and I'm not going to be butthurt if a few people don't want to be my friend for ridiculous, narrow-minded reasons.

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RE: Gay women and single men

I'm not necessarily suggesting you become the best of friends but it just seems logical to me that there are certain combinations of 'friends' that would work well in the nudist world as you can remove any sexual tension.
I do a lot of nude photography and most of the models say they feel relaxed because I am so casual about the nudity, I think this is partly because I am a nudist but mainly because I know 'nothing else will happen', this attitude makes me more relaxed which in turn relaxes the model and improves the shot.
So basically I just thinkk there are certain combinations of people who would work well together. Old guy/young girl and gay girl/singleguy being just 2 possibilities

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