Hello all

Well it finally got cold here but it kinda warms up in the afternoon. Sure does making sitting in the ot tub nice at night when it is cold. Does anone else like sitting in a hot tub durig cold weather? Even though it is nice no matter what the weather i like, I like it more during the cold. Well I hope everyone is having a great day and I hope some of you will start posting on here. Hope everyone is doing well, talk to you all later.

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RE: Hello all

I like the contrast going from cool air to and from a hot tub.
I find I can enjoy being nude outside down into the 30's as long as it's nice and sunny and not windy!

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RE: Hello all

Could'nt agree with you more.

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RE: Hello all

It will be warm when we get there in March....it better be!

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RE: Hello all

Oh it will bewarm in March. Right now it is a little cold here. Wish the warm weather would get back here.

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RE: Hello all

Hi everyone
I look forward to meeting up with all of you good people at some of the resorts in the Tampa area, as soon as it warms up a bit. I've been to a few resorts already in that area and look forward to visiting all of them. Let's get together.

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