Longest amount of time nude
What is the longest amount of time you have been able to be nude?
Days, weeks,months?
It would be great to be able to abandon clothes altogether, but it's not
practical yet.
Even though you may spend all your time nude at home, you still have to go to work, the store, etc.
Will we ever have nudist communities or towns that would allow full time nudity?
- 14 years ago
At home I'm always nude, but I have to waer when I go outside. My maximum is about 48 hours non stop.
Naked regards,
- 14 years ago
The longest I've gone nude at one stretch is 10 days. It was this past summer and I enjoyed it very much. Felt so good to go about my daily routine completely nude.
- 14 years ago
so far its only been a day but it was great not wearing clothes
- 14 years ago
10 days, that's great! In India it is almost impossible. I was continuously nude for maximum 3 days at a stretch twice, once on a deserted beach in India and once at a resort in Thailand.
- 14 years ago
I was naked for a full three weeks. Three of the most fabulous weeks of my life.:)
A couple of years ago I was invited to Pizzo Greco Naturists Village on the South Coast of Italy to do some marketing. Being a naturist all my life I jumped at the chance and was really only supposed to be there for a week.
The owner was always busy and was always cancelling meetings so I just stayed as long as it took to do the work, to my delight.
It was absolutely fabulous to not have to worry about dressing at all.
I could just wake up naked, make a pot of tea and walk straight out the door and sip my tea on the terrace then just walk down the path and accross the village to the beach without having to put a stitch on and not a care in the world.
The amount of freedom I experienced was incredible!
Going for long naked walks and just wondering around the village bumbing into other naturists, chatting or wondering down to the beach.
Even just the simple things like taking out the rubbish was a delight. lol
The only time I had anything on was at the store or the bar where you had to cover up. But I just threw on a short sarong then whipped it off as soon as I got out the store or bar.
There's not a day goes by that I don't dream of that time and I yern to live a life like that all the time. :)
- 14 years ago
We went to Euronat in France and out of the 14 days we were there I didn't wear a stitch for 10 of them, even drove to the beach(it was a long walk!) went to the bank and shops and restuarant/cafes and a show wearing nothing but a smile, brill!
- 14 years ago
Memoral weekend 2011 Friday 0900- Monday 1200.
- 14 years ago
I spent 3 months nude after my wife passed away from Kidney Cancer. I even went to my mailbox nude and didn't really care what the neighbors thought. It must have been alright, because they never said anything to me about it. They probably were cloaet nudist and wished they could be the same way. I would go out in the rain and let it fall against my nude body and it felt like I was in heaven.
- 14 years ago
I am the sma as NudeTom
- 14 years ago
I am the sma as NudeTom
- 14 years ago