Discussion: Naturism ideology
Before I decided to be a full fledged naturist, I researched the ideology of naturism. I got a couple of answers in my search. The first was from the AANR which stated, body acceptance is the idea, nude recreation is the way but it didnt quite answer my question I was looking for my self proposed question. What did answer it was this ideology, naturism is not only body acceptance no matter the shape of the figure and liberation of clothing, but also the act of opening your mind to how natural the world can be in its most natural state and discarding the standards society holds us to.
Not only do we free our bodies but also our mind frame by only focusing on what matters. Compassion, transparency, honesty, and happiness are qualities we should hold onto..
I go to be naked because thats what makes me happy and I enjoy doing it. Thats all that should Matter.
Before I decided to be a full fledged naturist, I researched the ideology of naturism. I got a couple of answers in my search. .
Thanks for sharing this. Because of their connection to nature and the natural world precolonial indigenous people didnt need additional reasons like body positivity and nude recreation that we do in the modern industrial world. Those things happened naturally because the were clothes free in their natural world. This is true of our African ancestors which is why I call them the first naturists. That is the heritage of black and brown people.
Before I decided to be a full fledged naturist, I researched the ideology of naturism. I got a couple of answers in my search. .Thanks for sharing this. Because of their connection to nature and the natural world precolonial indigenous people didnt need additional reasons like body positivity and nude recreation that we do in the modern industrial world. Those things happened naturally because the were clothes free in their natural world. This is true of our African ancestors which is why I call them the first naturists. That is the heritage of black and brown people.
The great thing about precolonial Africans is exactly what you express. Clothes free living was basically earning their keep, such as hunting and gathering, intermingling and seeing people as they are. The sun was too hot to where clothes and it necessarily as needed with them since they didnt get sunburn like other races. People were who they were and everywhere was a spot for recreational nudity.
I spend a lot of time online "discussing" (i.e.; arguing) with others about what is and isn't "nudism".
The jury is still out, but basically nudism is different things to different people.
IMHO "nudism" is simply about doing things that you would normally do as a textile, only naked, where it is legally and socially acceptable to do so.
Just because two people don't engage in the same activities naked doesn't mean that one of them isn't a nudist.