Long Shot - Pest Contol Job - Nude Sometimes - Outer Banks of NC

Own a pest control company on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and need a termite technician. Experience is great but very willing to train a qualified person as well. Can offer a nudist place to live while relocating or even long term for the right person. Nude time in the office while doing paperwork for sure but on the road you'd need to be clothed for meeting clients. Full time all year employment preferred but will except seasonal help also.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Long Shot - Pest Contol Job - Nude Sometimes - Outer Banks of NC

That's an awesome post. I hope it's OK - I cross posted this to the Hampton Roads Nudists group. If we make it down to OBX this summer we'll have to connect with you.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Long Shot - Pest Contol Job - Nude Sometimes - Outer Banks of NC

Cool, and thanks! Hope to see you on the OBX sometime soon.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Long Shot - Pest Contol Job - Nude Sometimes - Outer Banks of NC

I'm interested! Drop me a line!

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Long Shot - Pest Contol Job - Nude Sometimes - Outer Banks of NC

Dear Sir, I saw this post a year ago. Please let me introduce myself to you. My name is Michael Rankin. I have been in the pest control work well over 30 years. I did mostly outdoors. But some indoors. Termite inspection/ control. I have some Idea. Need to be brought up speed. Also I'm very good at sales. When tell you this. It's for real. You'll fine that I'm an honest person and very loyal when the company is loyal to me. My name has always stuck on the wall. With customers. Yes I'm a nudist. I have accepted myself as so. Here's the thing nothing more! I'm very comfortable with myself and I expect the same with others. I have references to back me up on the pest control world. But... Most companies were so greedy. Hmm. I said to myself. I think you can figure this out yourself. I am a working man. 53 male. Most say that I look 35. For real! Anyways. I'm good where I am. Not desperate. But I am looking. So please take the time to talk to me. I'm all ears. Peace Michael.

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  • 5 years ago