Breaking in a new roomie

Yesterday I met the group I will be exploring Chile and Argentina with over the next 10 days. He was in the bathroom when I got to the room and came out in his underwear. I had stripped off my shirt and we chatted awhile then I took a bathroom break. I came out bare and casually mentioned that my room time is basically nude time. His response was" fair enough" in his crisp British accent. But kept his undies on. The temp was perfect overnight for sleeping a top the covers and in the buff. There is another guy who is Irish that we will be swapping who has the single room as the trip progresses. I will let you know his reception to a bare ass roomie.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

Nice one. I await the next installment.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

Tonight's lodging is an overnight bus. Not breaking in the whole bus. The other single guy asked how I managed to travel so light. When we get paired up I will show him part of the secret. Go nude while in room.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

Got paired up with Dennis and I Irishman around my age. When we got to the room I mentioned that he had asked how I travel so light. I then told him that room time is nude time and stripped off. He took it in stride.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

So both guys are ok with your nudity, but neither is joining you .... yet.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

The 2nd day my roomie went in to take a shower he came out totally nude twice because he forget his shampoo and then his razor. Last night when I got back to this new room and roomie he was asleep favedown in his undies atop The covers. He barely stirred when I stripped for bed. Now 5 am me awake for the day. He asked me to make sure to give him a wake up earlier in the evening. He wears a hearing aid and and turns it off for the night. . Bet I will be his first naked alarm clock.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

The 2nd day my roomie went in to take a shower he came out totally nude twice because he forget his shampoo and then his razor. Last night when I got back to this new room and roomie he was asleep favedown in his undies atop The covers. He barely stirred when I stripped for bed. Now 5 am me awake for the day. He asked me to make sure to give him a wake up earlier in the evening. He wears a hearing aid and and turns it off for the night. . Bet I will be his first naked alarm clock.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

Now on the Peru part of the trip. Got a guy in his 30s who is traveling with his sister as my roomie. I have been casually.nude around him for three days and joked about my nude habits. No complaints from him but he has remained modest.

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

Great going man.... I could see it visually

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RE:Breaking in a new roomie

My 3rd roomie, the guy in Peru, did get more casual about his modesty as the week went on. We joked about it too. He assured me that my nudity was totally fine with him. He may stop by this summer on his way west, I told him this is a 'no clothing ' house. He said he would have to practice being naked.

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