why so many profiles with no pictures ??

we all enjoy being naked, its nothing to be ashamed of its not illegal yet so many profiles don't have any public pictures. I just don't understand we should be all proud of our naked body's let me know if you agree or disagree and happy naked days I think warmer weather is coming

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

I agree. It's a nudist website; people should be willing to post a photo or two.

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

Moreover, why do people accept friend requests from blank profiles?!

I am fine if people need to be discrete and not show their face, which I don't (because I've had my pics on here lifted and posted elsewhere online without my permission). No pic is an automatic Declined friend request for me. But, as long as people keep accepting their friend requests, they have no incentive to add any pics.

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

It is amazing alright. You go on a nude site like this, and most everyone has nude pictures of themselves. I feel the pictures validate the fact that I am casual and laid back about my being a nudist.

Then I get requests for friendship from people who don't have a photo of them nude. Am I to believe that they are just here to collect pics of naked people or what.

Does not seem very authentic to me. And a whole lot disengenious.

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

Yes this is a nudist site, and so, yes, I would expect to see profiles with pictures, nude pictures, for sure.

But my issue is the way that the folks running TrueNudists market/promote the site. There is a big orange button that says "I want to view nudist photos".. not 'I am a nudist too and want to see others', but is basically saying 'come here to view nude pics'. Because of that, I feel that many people come here just to get their jollies by looking at the nude pics.

My guess is that these non-nudists have no pics or private profiles because they just want to look around at the free pics. That is why my public photos are not nude. You need to become friend to see my nude pics. And then I am selective on whom I grant friend requests to, as well. Because of my job and community, I value my anonymity online, so do not include my face in my pics. But that does not make me less of a nudist. I love and enjoy attending nudist social activities and events and have made many friends in the nudist community. But I am not an exhibitionist and do not want tons of internet lookie-loos gawking at my nude pics.

Anyway, hopefully I dd not get too far off topic.. but that is my 2 cents worth.

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

Whats the old adage I will show you mine if you show me yours

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

I don't get it either, It's a nudist site. It exists for no other purpose. If you're shy about people seeing you naked then you're not a nudist and this is not the place for you. I don't understand why people friend these people to begin with. I don't friend people without full frontal nude pics. I love this site because it's for like minded people who enjoy a nudist lifestyle and activities. If you don't want to take part, there are a million other sites for you to join.

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

Morning and great discussion here.

I have wondered about the same thing..why so many private or blank profiles or profiles that are years old and have pretty much been "abandoned"? I find it frustrating too at times that I get requests from non certified or non picture having "nudists"..not to mention not a word in the profile. I tried to make it clear in my profile that I would prefer connecting with someone that has a profile, is not private, and has some somewhat recent pictures. I guess by the number of "uncertified" requests that I still get, that nobody is really reading my complete profile? I wonder if the site management or administrators could not some how monitor those old forgotten profiles and weed them out? Like implement some sort of mandatory post a pic and update profile within a certain time frame before you are a "true nudist member"? I don't mind sharing at all, but as someone mentioned, I also had some of my pictures lifted and put up on another site and actually part of someone's personal profile. A collector or someone that obviously was not "true nudist" material.

Either way, I still enjoy checking in here and connecting with other nudists and have made some awesome connections, but I will continue to just be way more selective with my choices of TN "friends". When I first joined years ago, I was accepting requests left and right, but then realized that not everyone was here to truly connect and share. I wonder too if anyone has noticed that the main page here frequently posts profiles of nudists that have not logged on in years? Seems like there should be a way to weed them out too. Anyways, hope you all enjoy your Friday. About to finish up this coffee and nude time and hit the shower. Regards, T.

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RE:why so many profiles with no pictures ??

Totally agree 100 percent

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