Taking advantage of more sunlight

So, yesterday was our first daylight savings time day. I figured that rather that going home with so much daylight, I would just take a drive out in the desert and see what happened.
After a couple of miles driving on dirt roads and in and around tall hills, I decided that the area was definitely deserted. I parked between a couple of tall mounds, got out of the car and stripped. The cold air on my body and the feeling of total freedom was liberating.
i started to walk up a trail but then decided to go straight up the hill on my left and go to the top to see what was around me. The climb was a little tricky, lots of loose rocks and dirt, and one does not want to rip and fall clothless on this ground. So, I carefully climbed, stopping every so often to see what was around me. Some dudes were shooting somewhere around this place, but it sounded far enough.
Got to almost the top of this place, it was beautiful and I felt that I dominated the desert for a little while, me and my nakedness.
I eventually climbed back down, ever so carefully, got back to the car and drove away slowly, still naked. At this point I decided that I would go back home like this and see what happened when I got there.
I had to drive slowly since it was still daylight and the sun had just set. Got on the freeway, lots of traffic but no tall SUV or trucks to worry about. Took an early exit because of traffic which made me drive through town, very exciting...
By the time I got home the night had settled in and there was enough darkness. My only concern while driving home was that I might find the gate of the lot the duplex I live in locked. Would I dare get out of the car in the middle of the street and go unlock it?.... Well, not this time, my neighbors probably had gone to diner and left it open.
I drove through and parked, look around to make sure the other neighbors werent around outside (bare land, no trees, edges etc...) I got out, open my rear door to get my bag and went to the front door, opened it and put mu bag on a chair. Went right back out to the car to get my clothes, no sooner i had open the passenger side rear door i see a car coming up the street, slowing down with blinker on...You guessed it, neighbors were back, full headlights on, they turned into the lot as I'm grabbing my boots quickly and started walking hurriedly to my door around the corner hoding my boots in front of my ass as headlights shun on them.
Since I was wearing a carhart jacket which barely covered my ass(it was cold) I don't know what they saw or didn't see, one thing for sure, they had to have seen my bare legs, and in 50F temps, they had to think it odd...
In my hurry, I left the front door of the car open, and of course my clothes in it. I waited a couple of minutes and dared making the trip back to the car, calm and slow as to not ruin the thrill, but nonetheless vigilant. Got my stuff, locked the door and calmly walked back to the front door.
DOn't know what they saw if anything, but I wasnt about to ruin a nice naked hike by driving back in textile.

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