RE:Pics in public places

Pics in public places can definitely be fun, though the timer thing is a challenge. A like minded buddy would help greatly! I don't seem to be able to add pics here but check out my Media for some.

Totally agree. It is way better with someone than alone.

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RE:Pics in public places

When taking these photos the hardest part was finding somewhere to attach the camera. The gorrilapod came in very handy.

That is always my biggest challenge. Where to put the cellphone to take a pic. My son gave me a little battery operated clicker so I can take pics without using the timer although I never seem to have it when I am taking pics.

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RE:Pics in public places

I/we have both the gorillapod and a small tripod for the camera with a remote shutter activator. We've used them both and they work fine. I'm lucky, in that, I have a equally naked photographer that will take my pics but when we both are in the frame, these work pretty good for me/us.

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RE:Pics in public places

I bought one of the cheap selfie sticks and was unhappy with it. The camera would swivel around to the bottom and never hang straight. What was worth the money was the wi-fi button that works the camera button! You can take your photo when you are ready and click several more as you change positions.The stick does make a good prop to position the camera when setting it down.

I have also found that some bluetooth dongles / earpieces also work the camera on a mobile phone.

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RE:Pics in public places

I thought I'd get a picture at the laundry mat today. I'm not sure why a nudist needs to go to get their clothes washed if they don't wear any.

Everyone has to wear clothes sometimes.
But it is best to do laundry naked.
Then all of your clothes are clean when you are finished!

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RE:Pics in public places

These pics are INCREDIBLE!!! Love the pics of you in front of city stores and restaurants in broad daylight!

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RE:Pics in public places

Along side of the highway waiting for the timer must seem like an eternity! And with my luck, something malfunctioned and have to take the pic again.

I had that happen one boxing day. I decided to take a pic of myself on a bridge over the A1(M) (a busy motorway). First the camera failed entirely. Then the mobile phone misbehaved. My friend had to go get his phone from his car while I stood there naked by the side of this road bridge over the motorway. To make it worse it was bitterly cold. I was frozen. I think it shows in the photo.

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RE:Pics in public places

Here's a few of mine.A great set of photos. You certainly let your hair down.

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RE:Pics in public places

Here's a few of mine.A great set of photos. You certainly let your hair down.

I've for another 300 here.

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RE:Pics in public places

San Francisco has been a great place to experience public nudity.

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