RE:What do you do with your clothes?

i leave them where my bags are :)

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

Lock them in the car. I walk in naked, towel(s), blanket, chairs, whatever is on call that day.I am very open about my nudity. When i hike etc, I do not carry shorts etc. I go naked. Its just who I am at this point.

Where can you do that? The few nude beaches that I have been to have clothing required signs between the beach and parking lot.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

When I go to the beach I usually bring a chair or towel which I will leave my clothes with. I always have my phone due to my work and the long walk to get back to the car so I also leave this with the chair or towel.

Now for times where I go just to walk, I carry my shorts. I usually only wear shorts from the car to the beach because it is less to carry. I carry them because I am usually at San Onofre where I have to go onto Camp Pendleton (Marine base) where it is illegal to be on so if I see anyone coming, I can toss on my shorts and all they would do is tell me to go back north to the state beach side. I have talked to a couple of people where they got tickets from the MP for being nude.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

When I go to the beach I usually bring a chair or towel which I will leave my clothes with. I always have my phone due to my work and the long walk to get back to the car so I also leave this with the chair or towel.Now for times where I go just to walk, I carry my shorts. I usually only wear shorts from the car to the beach because it is less to carry. I carry them because I am usually at San Onofre where I have to go onto Camp Pendleton (Marine base) where it is illegal to be on so if I see anyone coming, I can toss on my shorts and all they would do is tell me to go back north to the state beach side. I have talked to a couple of people where they got tickets from the MP for being nude.

Just when I thought it was safe to return to San O! ;p

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

When i go too the nude beach I usually carry my chair, a work out bag with cooler and snacks inside and a towel. Hopefully my surfboard if there are waves. I try to set up near other people so they might see someone with my stuff if I'm on a walk or out in the water. When strolling on the beach i always carry my phone and keys with me, usually in my hat. Haven't had any issues yet. I do bury my keys when in the water.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

We've carried way too much stuff down to the beach; chairs, umbrella, small cooler and usually a bag with towels and other incidentals. Once at our spot, we leave non valuables and go for a walk. Wallet and keys stay in the car. Both cars we would be driving have key fobs. I take the key off the fob and take the fob with us. All the other stuff matters not, if it's taken. Would bother my wife some to walk back to the parking lot naked but not me.

We find a spot near other people that we've seen before and we seem to always agree to watch each other's things if we take a walk. Been visiting nude beaches in almost all places we've visited and never had an issue with coming back and finding things missing. We did, however, find our rental car broken into while at a nude beach in Hawaii. We left nothing in the car, as instructed by the signs in the parking lot. We didn't walk far from our chairs and kept them in sight the entire time.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

one thing i don't do with my clothes is worry about keeping them handy while at home. I used to have a pair of shorts stashed in the kitchen and upstairs in the den and would keep something handy while working in the backyard nude. But I gave that up years ago, if someone shows up and catches me nude , oh well, my home , my comfort.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

We have not been to a nude beach but at Valley View HS. We leave our cloths in the car. I carry a back pack for my SLR and I put our valuables and keys in and lock the car. I have started carrying a tactical knife in the pack as well.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

We usually leave them in the car! And sometimes we leave them at home when we are feeling daring! We have also left them in the meadow, along the trail, hanging on bushes. Sometimes it can be a bit of challenge to find them later though, More than once we had to drive home naked. Which is a different thrill than planning to drive naked.

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RE:What do you do with your clothes?

My wife does not sea swim so if she is with me I have no problem as she will look after my clothes.
The only times I have gone to the beach alone have been on holiday and in that case I have always left all my clothing in the apartment or hotel room in the care of my wife.
Edited to add
I have a video of walking down for a swim here.

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