Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook

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RE:Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook

This doesn't particularly bother me. There were too many people getting shtfaced drunk at Gunny and then driving.

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RE:Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook


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RE:Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook

I'll really miss having a cigar on the beach at sunset, but if a smoking and alcohol ban cuts down on the crowds and the trash and the drunken behavior, I'm okay with it. I'd rather give up my cigars than lose the nude beach entirely.

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RE:Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook

I agree Jim. I never drink alcohol when on the beach. Usually just have water or ice tea. But I have seen people get arrested for driving while intoxicated and just being a falling down drunk. Hopefully this ban will be good thing.

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RE:Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook

A big turnoff for me @ Gunnison Beach has always been seeing cigarette/cigar butts. The same can be said if some so-and-so has had one too many and ruins it for those around him/her.

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RE:Alcohol and smoking ban at Sandy Hook

great new about the smoking ban; I hope it's strictly enforced. the cigarette butts on the beach is ugly. I like an occasion beer but will survive without it. A very small percentage of beach goers get drunk and I hope it reduces the tickets and accidents.


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