RE:New Signs in the Park

Yes - guys do wear rings - I do

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RE:New Signs in the Park

Yes - guys do wear rings - I do

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RE:New Signs in the Park

FINALLY!! So glad to hear the Nudist Warning signs are OFFICIALLY posted. Playalinda was my first social nudist experience. I was not really concerned about being naked in public for the first time. I WAS concerned about being on the local 6 o'clock news for being arrested for being naked in public.
However, after being there for a while & many subsequent visits thereafter, I learned there was really nothing to fear. I even became friendly w the rangers as they passed by.
It is good that they are expanding the clothing optional areas.
Playalinda is such a beautiful beach & I have many happy & fond memories from there. I hope to return to that 'Magical' place for a visit sometime.
So to ALL my fellow lovers of Playalinda Beach, I send warm n friendly Naked greetings! It's great to share a mutual love & appreciation for such a wonderful place. Enjoy!

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RE:New Signs in the Park

So with lots 12 and 13 being used for nudists, how many parking spots are we talking about?

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