RE: If one's God is so wise...

God gave us free will to make mistakes or not.
I rest my case, then if "god" does exist he is not so clever then, as to allow free will and understanding of his doctrine to cause persecution, death, wars etc etc

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RE: Intelligent design?

An earlier post had a comment about intelligent design that I cannot allow to go unchecked. Shame on you for thinking that it is 'dumb' to believe that life today has evolved through millions of years from humble origins. There is overwhelming evidence to show that natural selection is entirely credible, evidence that is peer reviewed and open to debate in the best scientific tradition.Not so intelligent design.

I'm sorry my friend this is a little over my intelligence, can you explain it in more layman like terms for my slow brain. Natural Selection? Peer reviewed?

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RE: If ones god is so wise . . .

Why would one's god, wise or otherwise, care about either a single person or humanity as a whole? Assuming that there is a vested interest, perhaps said god merely views us as a science experiment in much the same manner that we view lab rats? We have been given a variety of religions and even now the godcould beobserving to determine which is the most effective. Considering the god in a positive light, it may be that as soon as the experiment is completed that there will be some awe-inspiring event that will clearly dictate which religion to follow. On the other hand, it could simply be an entertaining way to pass the time much like a cat plays with its food.

Okay that was fun. Now, considering the original question some possible answers include:
Humans are toofragile to handlean absolute way of life.
God is more concerned with freedom of choice than blind obedience.
God wants us to think for ourselves so that we are better prepared for what comes next.
God has a nasty sense of humour.
I could go on but believe that I have blasphemied enough fornow.

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RE: If ones god is so wise . . .

I will submit Revelation 2:29 and let it go at that.
( and it's not so obvious, either )

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if one God ...

God is perfectly clear. it's only humankind that insists on listening in words.

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RE: If ones god is so wise...

The answer is he gave us free will. You get to make the choice. God's word...the bible.
isn't this an oximoron?

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RE: if one God ...

If God gave us one direction, we would end up lemmings & jump of a cliff in that same one direction. God speaks, we all listen. And through the telephone-game.... We all screwed up his message! My favorite part. God created Darwin!
What's the telephone-game and where can I buy it? Is it available for the Xbox?
I assume this is not a troll, you're favourite part [of the bible I assume] is that god created Darwin. I applaud Charles Darwin, a free thinker and scientist. I don't applaud Adolf Hitler, et al, because these people who committed the most horrific of crimes against humanity are somehow glossed over. I'd like an explanation, based on fact.
i think that lg2001hit was making 3 points:
1) that if God didn't allow for diversity, we all would be like lemmings doing exactly the same thing at the same time.
2) the 'telephone-game' starts a verbal message at the beginning of a line of people.that messageis repeated from person to person along the line, until it reaches the last person in a corrupted, unintelligible state (i think his commentary on religions). and
3) how ironic: God did create Darwin. hmmm...
as for Hitler: what a horrendous error of diversity.

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if God is wise...

vincentertainment: amen

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RE: My Theory

Well I know one part of me that looks like it could be decended from a banana .

I have seen your picture trust me its the Gorilla!!!

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RE: If ones god is so wise...

When we love Him unconditionally, then we give Him something of immense value. When we love each other unconditionally, then we are truly 'created in His image.'

Enjoyable read Vince, as an Atheist i leave my self open to being persuaded into being an agnostic, but as yet no one has come up with any proof there is indeed a "greater being" out there that has created man kind, questions such as "If there is a heaven how big is it as there must be billions of souls now residing there""Where exactly is hell and how big is that?" "Why are the religious books of all the gods so ambiguous to allow separatism, radicalism etc etc" And the only answer is he gave us free will, allowing mistakes so that he can offer unconditional love. To me thats a total cop out. Let me tell you my theory... the books were/are created by normal homo sapiens who wished to worship what they percieved as a"greater being" as they searched for the meaning of life, their further will to believe that there is life after death as opposed to an eternity of nothingness,(is that a word?lol) that there must be a greater power out there, somewhere in the universe, all this with no proof no sightings no tangible evidence, only the stories told up to two thousand years ago, no modern sightings no modern day resurrections no modern day miracles no armageddon indeed no god!!! etc etc etc Amen

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