Wild camping on the North Yorkshire coast (UK)

Been planning a wild camp on the Yorkshire coast with a friend, went with her on an epic wild camp back in august 2015, (just added one photo from that with me & just a bit of my mountain tent behind me) we left it a bit late getting to the campsite & night descended on us before we got to there so we just roughed it half way down the cliff but it was a full moon that night & we heard the seals signing to it - magical, the next day we battled down to the shore through head high bracken in places but we found a lovely place to camp a few yards from the high water, would be best before the bracken grows to high there.
The place I'm thinking of going this time involves a walk along a bit of shore that gets covered by the tide so gets cut off for a few hours each day. well was wondering if anyone else was interested in a wild camp on the North Yorks coast, where we could wild camp & be nude too - but I lack transport. any offers

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