Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

Just spent a week at Blind Creek, Perfect spot. One day of rain. Stayed in Fort Pierce at the Fairffield.

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RE:Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

Great Pic!! Looks like a great place!

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RE:Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

That was probably the busiest sexually active beach we visited back in May.

Sexually active? Blind Creek.....that doesn't fit my experience there at all. There is supposed to be a zero tolerance policy there as well, according to all that I have read about it.

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RE:Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

I am not saying there were guys banging each other in the open, there there were plenty of obvious acrivities. 2 or 3 guys wondering off into the trees for about 15 min or so.2 guys very close to each other up on the observation deck, 1 guy sitting in hia beach chair, legs spread and all you saw of the other guy was his lower torso, as i walked away from the observation deck, i step down off the trail and there is 1 guy on his back with a raging hard on amd another fuy massaging his legs and thighs.It wasnt wide open sexual activity but at about 5pm on a Wed, there definitely was some sex "in the air" if you knew what to look for and where to look.

There is and has always been sexual activities at beaches we've visited in states where nudity is allowed. Some are very open about doing it while others go far off to the far end of the beach and you have to go looking for it. Mind you, it's not just m/m only, have encountered m/f and f/f. But it's not the norm nor the majority of individuals that go to these beaches are there for that. I have in past kindly reminded individuals that their selfish activity can eventually get the beach closed if authorities hear enough about it.

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RE:Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

Blind Creek delivered royally a couple Saturdays ago, perfect weather, water was great (I can always tell who the northerners are, we're the only ones swimming). Strolled the length a couple of times musing on my place in the universe. When I left I felt rejuvenated body, mind and spirit. Worth a detour from busy highways to enjoy it. Big thanks to the folks that worked on getting it designated.

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RE:Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

Where is Blind Creek?

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RE:Great Spot, Hope we don't lose it.

Where is Blind Creek?

Florida Atlantic coast, southeast of Fort Pierce.
Easy to find via a Google search. A little off the beaten path, which makes it that much better.

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