Garlic mustard is an invasive weed that has neither the desirable traits of garlic or mustard. It used to grow rampant around my 1 acre yard which borders on woods and a ditch. This year I realized that it did not pop up and bloom early spring like it used to. I guess my vigilant pulling it and tossing it on the burn pile paid off.
Now if I could get rid of the bird spread poison ivy the same way. Or do you think there would be a market for poison ivy wreathes ( for those you hate) like the popular grape vine wreathes from years ago?
garlic mustard is an edible weed. So I'd don't fight it, I can eat it if I run out of other food. poison ivy is an inert weed, to me, not to many though. Although I wouldn't go so far as to eat it, at least it seems to do me no harm externally. I would love to eradicate thorns, but the plants they grow on have good uses for food and utility use, so I guess I have to just live with the thorns till heaven comes my way.