My latest house guest a repeat.

Five years ago a couple pedaled up to my home while exploring the USA on their bicycles. They knew from my profile that I would greet them nude and they were totally fine with it. After the meal I offered the hot tub and she was gung-ho , he declined. So while her and I soaked nude in the tub, he sat fully clothed beside the tub and visited with us. We have kept in touch over the years and I have followed their travels and unfortunately their eventual break up. He is now roaming the country solo on his bike and I offered my place to stay if he came thru this area. He arrived yesterday before I got here, so he did see me with clothes on as I got out of the car and unloaded it. But I was quickly naked and have been every since. I asked him why his hesitancy for a hot tub soak last time, and he said he simply does not enjoy being in water. He takes quick showers and that is about all the water interaction he has. Well except the the endless rains we have been having in this part of the USA all spring. He has stayed clothed himself, but is totally fine with me being in my normal undressed state. I think he is staying a second night and we may go exploring today, so he might see me clothed for an extended period of time.

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RE:My latest house guest a repeat.

It's nice to be with folks who are comfortable with nudity even when their preference is clothed. I have one neighbor here at home like that and was visiting recently with nudist friends who have friends drop by who stay clothed. It's great, lucky you.

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RE:My latest house guest a repeat.

Many of my guests arrive because I am listed on a website for long distance bicyclist. I clearly state that I am a nudist and unless they request me clothed they can expect a nude greeting at the door. Of the dozens of folks who I have hosted since I think I have had only had 4 formal requests to wear something. Other guests I have greeted nude, some join me bare for their stay some only strip to soak in the hot tub, some never strip. But all are thankful for my hospitality and leave me good feedback on the website.

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