How many guys
I am a free baller but now wearing shorts all the time I find my hand is always on my manhood while I drive, playing with it and getting hard and I was wondering how many guys do the same thing while driving around??? the fun of no underwear
- 6 years ago
While I don't do that while driving (I have a stick shift truck so my other hand is otherwise occupied) I believe that it's the mystique and pure joy of being nude; the ability to touch and pleasure one's self at a moment's notice. And the combination of being outside with the sun on my naked body and doing yard work, getting dirty; brings out a sexual, primal feeling.
- 6 years ago
Same thing there. Love to play and pull it out while driving. I am always freeballing. Summer is great, shors time.
- 6 years ago
So many wankers on this site.
- 6 years ago
Little boys love to talk about their little peepees
- 6 years ago
I love to do the same.
- 6 years ago
ATTN: Post #8
Love to what? Talk about your peepee or play with your peepee?
- 6 years ago
This section of the forum needs to be renamed; The Little Boys Room.
- 6 years ago
- 6 years ago