Nude camping in socal

Will be going camping in the San Diego area with couples of nudists friends, be nice if more nudists join us.

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RE:Nude camping in socal


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RE:Nude camping in socal

Where are you going nude camping that is near San Diego? Im interested in finding various options in the Southern California area. I am aware of a couple resorts that have camping available but always like to find out about additional opportunities.

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RE:Nude camping in socal

It's by campo off the 8 fwy. Message me for details.

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RE:Nude camping in socal

I camped recently at Carlsbad state beach but you cannot be nude there. So I set things up so I could be nude at my site and still have privacy so I didnt get into trouble. I was bluff side so I could sit there in my chair and watch the ocean and sun set nude. You just have to bring the right gear to protect you and set it up so no one can see.

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RE:Nude camping in socal

When is the next camping trip in SoCal or is it not camping weather now?

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