Going to be moving

I am going to be moving to a more public area probably in the nest year or so. Tired of maintaining my farm alone. I hope to have some private area but will miss my mornings, afternoon and nights naked on the farm.

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RE:Going to be moving

I did that about a year ago - moved from a wooded 3.5 acre plot to a subdivision house on .5 acre. I put up a privacy fence so I can still work nude in the back yard, but I have to get dressed to go out to the car. Overall, though, it's a better place for us - worth the change. Hopefully it will be the same for you.

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RE:Going to be moving

I currently sit in the middle of 14 acres, off the road and very private. I have no trees to speak of so very open and sunny but very private. It will be a big change...

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RE:Going to be moving

I hope it works out well for you and you can still enjoy nature the naturist way. I understand completely. I had to move from 3 acres of wooded privacy to a gated community. I can still be nude inside all the time though. My mental grace is that we have the farm in the summer where I can be nude inside and outdoors. We are fortunate to have a farm manager who looks after it and does all the maintenance so we just arrive and enjoy.
I wish you well in your new endeavor.

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RE:Going to be moving

I have a camp I visit regularly in the summer where I hang with a great many friends. Bunch of regular campers always friends there.

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RE:Going to be moving

i have lived in my rural setting for 30 yrs and have developed the outdoor privacy to the extant I can even mow a couple of areas of my lawn in the buff. I very much enjoy the setting but am pondering how long I want to continue to maintain a sprawling old house and landscape. I contemplate the time when it will be too much work. I could not live in suburbia and while i love older homes with their character, moving to a historic portion of a city would mean trading one old farmhouse for an old city house. I can honestly see myself mowing to a high-rise condo with a view and hope those with a view of my place do not mind an old guy rattling around his place in his birthday suit. I would be traveling much of the time so they would not have see me year round.

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RE:Going to be moving

Hankster, take some time scouting for properties that might lend to outdoor naked space. I moved to a little town at the age you are now. When I saw the big hedges and other sight barriers around the small back yard of this little house I was sold. Small home, surrounded by one story houses.

You might be surprised at what you can find that fits your lifestyle. And in Tennessee you have a long season to enjoy. I am headed out to the patio for coffee now, the lilacs are amazing this year. Good luck, downsizing has its virtues.

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RE:Going to be moving

Wow. Reading from all you guys moving from the country back to the city has got me thinking because I did just the opposite. I have only 2 acres so I think it should be manageable into my old age. I am working like hell to get it shaped up and more private than it already is before I am too old to build a fence or hang siding. I lived the city life most all of my 66 years and I desire to get away from the textiles to whatever extent is possible.

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RE:Going to be moving

Yes I understand. That is what I will be doing building a tall skinny house with a retail store on the bottom floor. I will have a space for a yard and privacy fence.

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RE:Going to be moving

Sold the house where the only outdoor nudity I could enjoy was skinny-dipping in the pool. The rest of the time was spent maintaining the house and yard. Moved into an RV and travel around the country. Discovered nude yoga in Las Vegas and lots of nude resorts north of Tampa. The only weed Ive pulled in the last three years was a favor for my MIL. The bugger was growing up through the hedges. Dont miss em.

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RE:Going to be moving

I moved from the privacy of being surrounded by farm fields, to a subdivision where I have a tall fence and total privacy, and a pool.

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