Walking naked

I have done it! Walked naked from my car, parked at Ocknell Pond in the New Forest, UK, for about 3 miles with only a pair of flesh coloured knickers in my rucksack. Walked in a big circle arriving back at the car still nude

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RE:Walking naked

More pictures

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RE:Walking naked

Great job. I love naked walks. I get to do them out my front door when the corn gets tall enough

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RE:Walking naked

Great job. Nothing like a naked stroll. I have yet to do any naked hikes this season, weather and schedule don't mesh. But I have a wonderful memory of a 10 mile hike in the New Forest some years ago. Lovely country, so nice that English law allows nudity out in remote settings.

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RE:Walking naked

Well done.
Isn't it fantastic!

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RE:Walking naked

very nice set of pics mate

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RE:Walking naked

one of my favorite hiking areas is a county park with many trails for hiking, mountain bikes and even a horse trail , I can't get nude in parking lot but at the head of the trail I strip off my shorts and hike nude carrying only a small shoulder pack which I hang my shorts on . my shorts are a tan color which matches my skin tone my theory being if i'm seen from a distance and I see them I can just slip on my shorts making it seem like they only see a person hiking without a shirt in the woods. my last hike my theory didn't work as I was headed back toward the parking lot I didn't want to dress and was unsure who was on the trails and in the parking lot until a stream of mountain bikers came down the path causing me to jump to the side as they passed by so much for the shorts idea .

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RE:Walking naked

Nude hiking is the best. I found a great spot in oyr national seashore where paths lead thru brush, then lead to the water. There sre many trails and one just wanders thru the woods. Have met clothed snd nude hikers, so i know im not alone in nakedness on the trails. Met clothed couple as i was walking away from wster and they stopped me to chat. They told me they do the trails nude all the time, but there was a group of people coming down the trail so they didnt want to upset them. Anyway, after about 15-20 minutes we went our separate ways. As i was walking, i could hear the group. I went a different direction and never rsn into them. I hiked nude for about hour and half b4 returning to my car....still nude. Drove home nude the 45 minutes it took to go home. GREAT DAY!

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RE:Walking naked

I just left our cabin in North Carolina after a month of being there. For the first 3 weeks I took my dogs hiking on the trail above the cabin. Would go up about a 1/4 of a mile where it ran into an old logging road and would strip and leave my shirt there just carrying my shorts. From there I would go up a bout a mile and then back. The day before I was to leave my neighbor showed me some pictures he had gotten off his trail cam that he installed on the trail. It's motion sensored. I thought oh my I've been busted. Luckily he had installed it before the area I would strip down. WHew! He did have pictures of my dogs as well as a couple of deer, a raccoon and a couple of a bear. At least he didn't capture pictures of this bare!

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RE:Walking naked

That is funny. Do you have any idea what you would have told him when he asked why you were hiking butt naked?


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RE:Walking naked

I have definitely been caught on trail cams, including my brother-in-law's

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