Nude Year Fun!

The Southern California Naturist Association would like to invite all of you to join us on Sunday, January 16, for a Nude at the Getty Scavenger Hunt!
Unfortunately, you won't be able to get nude, but for those of you that would like to participate, we've put together a scavenger-type hunt that is based on answering a series of questions about many of the different nude paintings, sculptures, statues, tapestries, and artworks at the beautiful Getty Center Museum right off the 405 Fwy in the Santa Monica foothills.
You don't have to know anything about art, but as long as you can read, and answer the clues in the alloted time to get through the museum, the person, couple, or team that has the most correct answers will win a prize!
Even if you don't want to participate in the hunt, you're still welcome to come out and meet a number of local naturists, find out more about the SCNA, and the rest of the different C/O events that we will host throughout the year.
Other than the Getty's parking fee ($15) it's FREE to join us this afternoon, but we would appreciate an RSVP, so we know how many will be attending, and can bring the correct number of questionnaires.
We'll be meeting at noon along the tables at the western end of the tram's Arrival Plaza.
For more info, or to RSVP, call (818) 225-2273, send an e-mail to or visit by 7:00 pm on Saturday, 1/15/11, letting us know your name, and how many of you will be meeting us.

Come on out and join us for a fun-filled afternoon, check out some gorgeous works of art, and maybe meet and connect with some new like-minded nudist friends.

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