Nude in the Yard
Back in the early 90's I planted Lilac hedges and other dense shrubs along the road. So I have a full back yard to enjoy. The only issue is some nice day's in the spring and no leaves are not out ;-( I should have planted more arborvitaes. Maybe this is something you could do to claim more of your yard ;-)
I'm lucky in as much as my back yard is completely private and not overlooked. My neighbours would have to be at the fence and deliberately look over. If they were to look over, tough, serves them right if they see more than they bargained for. So I am always naked out their, relaxing, sunbathing, gardening, watering, working on up-cycling projects.
Yard is fairly private and out there nude most days. There is one part of the yard that is visible from the neighbour's second floor, but noticed that their blinds are always closed, so been walking around nude is the visible part of the yard since summer started. So far so good!
My back garden (yard) has only one window looking into it and then only part of it but the room isn't used and she knows I am nude and we do face to face talking while I am nude so no problem and the people on the other side is harder for the to see me.
The front garden is also private but when we had the hot spell in Feb I was far more exposed as all the shrubs against the lane had no leaves on so I could have been seen.
Since the first home we rented as a married couple, we've been fortunate to have enough privacy to be naked in all our backyards. Our very first rental house with a yard was behind our landlord's home. His wife rarely went back there where our house was but when he caught us both naked out there sunning one day, he apologized and walked away. But then seemed to always venture back to our backyard quite a bit afterwards. Always some lame excuse for intruding on our privacy. Solution, I made sure it was only me he saw naked for the next few times and then he stopped coming back there.
After that house, we rented another and it had a private backyard and for the most part, a private front yard. If I parked my van just so, we could be naked in the front of our house, garage and backyard with ease. It was because of this house that the first house we bought and subsequent homes we've bought have been evaluated for nude use before we bought them. We do quite a bit of research to find the optimal house or lot where we will get the most privacy for our nude use.
I was naked in the garage and backyard yesterday in the morning and I think the neighbor lady across the street saw me as I was walking back into the garage from the side yard. She smiled and waved so I guess all's good in the neighborhood! :DD