How do you get naked in the parking lot at work without being seen by co-workers and/or management?Generally speaking, the shoes and socks come off before I set off, the trousers (pants) just down the road, and lastly the shirt just before leaving the city.Up to this point it's slow moving traffic in mixed industrial / retail / (rough) residential areas. However, if you have your shirt on, it's almost impossible for people to tell you're not wearing shorts.On the other hand, I have work pants but been topless and have received disapproving looks.
I drive shirtless but wearing shorts most of the time in the summer and don't recall many disapproving looks.
How do you get naked in the parking lot at work without being seen by co-workers and/or management?
I've often stripped off in parking lots (car parks0, usually ones in airports and supermarkets. If the car is parked in a row I'm screened by the car next to mine. Open the front and back doors and I'm totally screened between the two doors. Then I can strip before getting into the car. In more exposed places I can strip off inside the car but that isn't necessary if nobody is near. Yes it does mean that I'm driving completely naked through built up areas. Why not?
I've often stripped off in parking lots (car parks0, usually ones in airports and supermarkets. If the car is parked in a row I'm screened by the car next to mine. Open the front and back doors and I'm totally screened between the two doors. Then I can strip before getting into the car. In more exposed places I can strip off inside the car but that isn't necessary if nobody is near. Yes it does mean that I'm driving completely naked through built up areas. Why not?
Exactly! Why not?!
I find that (and it is mentioned in the truenudist forums often I believe) that people notice only what they expect to see. Unless of course if it is blatant exhibitionist behavior. Seeing someone naked isn't what they expect to see so it takes a double take. People just don't notice.
re: I've often stripped off in parking lots (car parks0, usually ones in airports and supermarkets. If the car is parked in a row I'm screened by the car next to mine. Open the front and back doors and I'm totally screened between the two doors. Then I can strip before getting into the car. In more exposed places I can strip off inside the car but that isn't necessary if nobody is near. Yes it does mean that I'm driving completely naked through built up areas. Why not?
If you get stopped by the police, aren't there laws against "public lewdness" or some such nonsense? even though you are inside your private, personal vehicle?