Erections at age 70
I'm now in my early 70s and I keep waking up about 1am in the mornings with a huge erection. I have gotten up occasionally to masturbate and it feels great to relieve all that pressure. I usually don't get up in fear of waking my wife up. My doctor says it's up to me whether to relieve myself or not. Has anyone in this age group had the same erections at 1am in the morning? Thanks for your comments and experiences.
- 6 years ago
The wee-hours erections never go away as long as you are healthy, regardless of age. (Diabetes can suppress them.) One old-fashioned test for sexual health was to wrap some postage stamps around the relevant body part overnight - if the perforations are burst in the morning, you are good to go - no physical issues at play. I think the advantage at our age is not the arousal, but the light sleep that lets us perceive and appreciate it. For me, if my partner doesn't stir, I just enjoy the feeling and cuddle a little closer until morning. Younger people tend to have sex in the evenings; that switches to mornings for us oldsters - and I think the nighttime arousal is a reason (along with not having to dash out the door for work!)
- 6 years ago
- 6 years ago
Oh Goodie. let's talk about our peepees
- 6 years ago
Oh Goodie. let's talk about our peepees
Yes, let's talk. Many if not most of us were brought up with the adage that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Mark Twain said something like this: It is better to remain silent and appear to be a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. I suppose that can be translated to print as well. Since I have been in this forum, you have removed a lot of doubt.
- 6 years ago
Go ahead with your peepee talk.
I'll just read and laugh.
- 6 years ago
My wife usually lets me know when this issue has been raised. .
- 6 years ago
wow, showing your true colours eh.
- 6 years ago
At the age of 75 I don't get the un-needed erections that I used to but I hav no trouble responding whenever my wife has a requirement.
- 6 years ago
Well guys, most guys would be happy to have that problem. Way too many can't get it up !
- 6 years ago
Oh Goodie. let's talk about our peepees
Why do you have to be a jerk and come out with a stupid, childish remark ? What the hell is wrong with a guy getting boners at 70 ! NOTHING, he was asking a question ! Yet you couldn't resist being a bitch about it. And you wonder why people have a go at you.
Like someone else has said, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Dumbass.
- 6 years ago