RE:Kayak nude

Probably an ideal nude activity since it is difficult to see if you are wearing anything!

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RE:Kayak nude

I am an avid nude kayaker here at our lake house on Georgian bay. For 3 seasons I am out kayaking 3 or 4 time per week and if the weather is good and its warm enough, Im kayaking bare ass naked.
It so awesome. Ive left my skimpy bathing suit at the cottage many times and gone around our Bay fully nude with nothing to put on, however if I venture out on weekends Ill bring my suit just in case the cops are out on patrol.

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RE:Kayak nude

We have a canoe and last year we decided to do a drip down the river that passes through our county.
The power company owns the rights to the land on both banks. We didn't see a soul for the whole 3 hour trip.
I was able to be nude the whole time except a few areas where we had to maneuver through some shallows but only slipped on my shorts as precautionary, other times I just did it nude as well. Wifey even went topless for most of the trip.
It was quite enjoyable and very liberating.

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RE:Kayak nude

I am an avid nude kayaker here at our lake house on Georgian bay. For 3 seasons I am out kayaking 3 or 4 time per week and if the weather is good and its warm enough, Im kayaking bare ass naked.It so awesome. Ive left my skimpy bathing suit at the cottage many times and gone around our Bay fully nude with nothing to put on, however if I venture out on weekends Ill bring my suit just in case the cops are out on patrol.

How warm does it have to be for you to be nude outdoors?
How many months can you realistically expect to have that temperature that far north?

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RE:Kayak nude

I love nude kayaking

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RE:Kayak nude

How warm does it have to be for you to be nude outdoors?How many months can you realistically expect to have that temperature that far north?

As long as the sun is out Im good with anything over 18C. By early May we regularly have those temps here. I am outdoors comfortably in the nude from early May till late October. Up until the other day, our temps here have been in the low to mid 20s C so not a problem at all being fully nude outdoors.
That far North... ?.? Were not exactly in Siberia here.

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RE:Kayak nude

How warm does it have to be for you to be nude outdoors?How many months can you realistically expect to have that temperature that far north?As long as the sun is out Im good with anything over 18C. By early May we regularly have those temps here. I am outdoors comfortably in the nude from early May till late October. Up until the other day, our temps here have been in the low to mid 20s C so not a problem at all being fully nude outdoors.That far North... ?.? Were not exactly in Siberia here.

True but you are roughly at the same latitude as Northern NY and New England.

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RE:Kayak nude

I'm comfortable being nude outside down to about 50F if I'm hiking but to 70F if I'm at the beach if it's sunny

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RE:Kayak nude

True but you are roughly at the same latitude as Northern NY and New England.

That doesnt mean we have exactly the same weather patterns and temps. Our weather here is greatly affected by the Great Lakes. Georgian Bay is in Lake Huron and the lakes have a moderating effect on the temps we experience esp in Autumn.

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RE:Kayak nude

I don't own a kayak or canoe, but this gives me a great idea!

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