Free hiking in Colorado anyone? Summer is coming up!
Don't think I can join a nude hike just yet (maybe later in the summer), but I do want to do a short hike for Naked Hiking day. I will not have long to do it. Any ideas for near Boulder? Getting there, short hike and getting back would need to be within about an hour. I know, not nearly enough, but it will be solstice, so at least a short trip would be great.
Managed it, though much more local than I'd like. Along the shore of the res. No coworkers or authorities saw me or cared, so that is a success in my book. I was not the only nudist there, but the only one that knew it was solstice and that solstice is nude hiking day. Oh well. Gotta spread the word before next year I guess. Next year, I am aiming for taking at least a half day and hiking for an hour or two in the woods somewhere in the mountains. Why not?